Saturday, December 11, 2010

The Right to Abortion Should Last Only Until Conception

"According to the pro-choice side, women have the right to decide whether they want to have an abortion or not, but according to the Constitution I believe that women lose that choice after conception."

The Whole Point of Government

"Allowing illegals into the public education system destroys the whole point of government."

Clear enough?

"Unless one can separate the united sperm and egg to or to reverse the process of conception to make the fetus "not unique," then it is not life that is being ended."

Those Lost Opportunities

"Some terminally ill people do not understand that it is an opportunity to prolong their death because some patients such as those who are in their death beds do not have a way to live longer."

Death? Not for the dying...

"In conclusion, death should not be an answer especially to the terminally ill."

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Should I even bother?

Hi Professor. I checked my grade, and from I calculated, even if I got a perfect score on the final (which wouldn't happen) it still would not be enough to boost my grade up to the C which I need to get credit for the course. What do you suggest I do? Should I even bother coming to the final? Any feedback would be appreciated! Thanks for your time.

Does coming to office hours get me a better grade?

I know u curved the final grades but I am at a 68.84. I know it is not close to a 70 percent but I did try. I came to office hours and studied. However, statistics is a very difficult subject for me and I'd really like to get a C and be closer to graduating. Did u already add the 5% for attendance in the grade? Is there anything else I can do to pass the class? I know it's a little late to be asking. Sorry.

Thanks again,


Thursday, November 18, 2010

To Survive Better, Do not Reproduce So Much, Stupid!

"Why would any animal want to reproduce more of its kind since this would only make more mouths to feed and decrease the chances of survival?"

New Department Needed?

"If school can teach Darwin's theory on sciences, then they should also be able to do the same with ID [intelligent design] because I believe it is the opposite of science for now since it has not been tested.  I don't know what field or area or subject to teach this though."

Evolution? Impossible!

"I don't believe on the theory of evolution because it is impossible that every living things have come from one ancestor."

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Evolution Smevolution

"If evolution is true, that humans came from Apes, or Chimpanzee, then why are there still apes and why don't we see any more monkeys evolving?"